Please be aware we keep all of our meetings are for adults only, unless specified.
All groups and refreshments are free
Please see the dates section for more details
Support Group Meetings
These meetings are an opportunity to chat with other families in similar situations over a cuppa! It is a good place to ask for advice about anything that is worrying you, with the group or on a 1:1 basis. There is never any pressure to talk, it’s fine to just sit and listen. We have meetings in Shirley, Sholing, Thornhill and Millbrook - check the dates section for more details.
Evening Support Group

Evening meetings give people who have commitments during the day time, an opportunity to come along, chat to other parent/carers and seek advice from us. This group takes place in Shirley.

Shirley Group - upstairs in Room 7 at St James Road Methodist Church SO15 5HE
Sholing Group - St Marys Church 49 St Monica Rd, Sholing, Southampton SO19 8ES, in the community room to the right of the church.
Thornhill Group - St Christophers Church, Pepys Ave, Thornhill SO19 6PJ
Millbook Group - All Saints Church, Sedbergh Rd, Southampton SO16 9HJ
Other Online Groups
We have a variety of online groups, please click the images to go to them.
Our Facebook group is where we keep in touch with our families. The group is private and only for members of Re:Minds, no professionals are allowed into the Facebook groups as we want our families to have a safe, confidential place to share their lives. We have over 1100 members who are all people who are going through similar experiences and are on hand to share advice, information and sympathy 24 hours of the day.
Re:Minds into Adulthood
This is a Facebook group which focuses on children aged 16+ in preparation for adulthood. This is where we share information about speakers and meetings and is a place to talk to others in a similar situation.
Re:Minds Re:Sale & Promotions
We have a resale and promotions page for any member of Re:Minds. You can sell things you or your child no longer want. We also promote other events and courses relevant to Re:Minds families on this page.
Re:Minds Professionals Page
A group for professionals to keep up to date with Re:Minds
All speaker meetings and workshops are shared on our YouTube channel to watch back in your own time and fit into your schedule.
With thanks to